Nobody wants a cavity. The result of untreated tooth decay, cavities that develop in the mouth can result in the loss of our natural teeth, costly dental services and serious oral health complications. Knowing that even people who take regular care of their teeth are susceptible to cavities, how do we recognize the symptoms of tooth decay?
The symptoms present just prior to the development of a cavity can vary greatly, depending greatly upon the extent and location. Some developing cavities may not even present any symptoms whatsoever. This is why it’s critical to maintain your regularly scheduled dentist appointments – typically two routine cleanings per year.
Perhaps the most common symptom of tooth decay is a toothache. If you find that a particular tooth or teeth are susceptible to occasional fits of pain, the chances are better than good this area is being damaged by decay.
If you notice a mild or sharp pain over the course of eating or drinking, particularly anything sweet, this is a major sign of decay. Cavities are incredibly sensitive to temperature – this pain will likely reappear when teeth are introduced to hot and cold food or beverages.
Are you noticing any of these symptoms on a regular basis? When was the last time you visited a dentist? More often than not, you’ll find the answers to these questions directly correlate – cavities easily develop without the intervention of professional dental services.
Your toothbrush alone is not fully capable of warding off tooth decay. Only your dentist can remove built-up plaque that hardens around the tooth and promotes decay with their specialized tools. Regular dental cleanings are essential to putting tooth decay in its place!
Got a sharp pain in your mouth? Please contact us today and schedule an appointment!