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Yee-Haw! The 18th Annual Square Dance Festival is Back!

One of the more traditional Phoenix events is coming back for its 18th year. This is the time of year when the Square Dance community gears up for the annual Square Dance Festival that takes place here in the Valley of the Sun. Put on by the Grand Canyon Square Dance Association, the event has taken place since 1988, when a handful of square dance enthusiasts came together to form an association.

grand canyon square dance associationIn 2016, the event will take place on March 4th and 5th at Osborn Middle School, located at 11th Ave. and Camelback in Phoenix. Split between two dance halls, Plus Hall and Mainstream Hall, the festival will feature Callers, Mike Hogan of Omaha, NE and Lee Hailey of Glendale, AZ. The full schedule for both days can be found at While you’re there, you can preregister through march 3rd, and if you’re coming from out of town, you can also find contact information for hotel reservations.

The GCSDA is a non-profit group comprised of 19 individual square dance clubs located throughout the Valley and outside of the greater Phoenix area. The two main goals of the group are to promote and hold the annual festival and to promote square dancing in general. The member clubs are committed to offering lessons and creating events for anyone interested in becoming involved. Dance partners and previous experience are not required. If you’re ready to jump in the fun, you can find a full listing of clubs that offer lessons by going to

What started as a small gathering among square dance enthusiasts has become a yearly tradition in the Valley of the Sun. If you’re ready to grab a partner and enjoy some wholesome fun, mark your calendar for this year’s Square Dance Festival!

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