Sometimes you might feel embarrassed because of a missing tooth or other cosmetic flaws on your teeth, but with the advancements in dental technology it is possible to give you the bright smile you’ve always wanted. So, why veneers? Veneers are extremely realistic looking porcelain teeth which bond to the front surface of your tooth, they are usually a permanent fix to any issues you may have.
Veneers offer impeccable defense against staining, since the porcelain provides a smoother surface, making it difficult for any food or drink to stay put and cause decay. There is also no need to worry about eating certain foods or providing extra maintenance with veneers, they act just as real teeth! All you need to do is take care of them how you take care of your teeth already. Brushing, flossing, and regular trips to the dentist can help ward off any cavities or other issues which may occur.
The process is relatively simple and painless, like many similar procedures, the dentist first makes an impression of your teeth. The cast may be sent off to a laboratory to ensure that your veneers are carefully crafted and meticulously customized to fit your needs. Until your veneers are ready, you may be given a temporary set, which are to be worn until the lab has finished processing your teeth.
After you have undergone the procedure, there is no recovery needed, you may simply go about your business after your appointment like nothing had even happened! You won’t even need to wait to grab a bite to eat!