Millions of people suffer from sensitive teeth, nearly 3 of 4 individuals on average suffering from specific afflictions. Researchers are now turning to more natural methods to combat sensitivity to stimuli such as cold, hot and overly sweet food and beverages.
The latest material being utilized in treating sensitive teeth comes from a peculiar source. Quan-Li Li and Chun Hung Chu have discovered delicate enamel is responding well to similar adhesives muscles use to cling to rocks within their watery depths. A variety of laboratory tests suggest prolonged exposure to a similar adhesive material can rebuild broken down enamel and dentin that attributes to the painful sensitivity many people experience with their teeth.
As the hard outer enamel of the tooth wears down, the softer layer of dentin begins to deteriorate additionally. Maintaining these different layers is essential in preventing nerves within from direct exposure to harmful stimuli. Irregular conditions thusly explain why eating ice cream or even having a sip of coffee generates moderate amounts of pain.
During the course of experimentation, human teeth exhibiting lower levels of enamel and dentin were exposed to liquids containing the adhesive and other complimentary minerals used to aid in regeneration. Researchers concluded from the results that the material used to bathe teeth could be an appropriate method for treating sensitive teeth unanimously.
While the findings are highly encouraging in terms of alternative solutions to sensitive teeth, researchers will likely need to refine their results before developing a universal method of treatment for average consumers. One of the most common methods of treatment available currently is the use of specialized toothpaste that similarly works to restore the layers of teeth.
A more natural alternative to treating sensitive teeth certainly brings hope to those currently dealing with moderate to severe symptoms.