Your AZ dentists at DC Dental are major proponents of the annual summer vacation. Those astronomical air conditioning bills can put a serious squeeze on your wallet. Apart from offering discounts on quality dental care, we have a few penny pinching tips you can use to ignite your summer savings. Check it out!
Get Busy in the Garden
Grocery bills can be a burden, especially with kids spending more time at home over summer. Ready to get your hands a little dirty? There are few things more economically sound than produce from your own garden. Hanging gardens even make a fun DIY project.
Avoid Marquee Movie Theatre Prices
Catching all those summer blockbusters is an annual tradition for many people. While camping out in the movie theatre is certainly a great way to beat the heat, it’s very taxing on your bank account.
Find a better alternative. Consider substituting the time you spend in the theatre with time at the local library. Get lost in some summer reading this year – we hear it’s better than the movie anyway.
Switch Household Maintenance to Summer Hours
Seize the day and save a little green. You will generally be charged more for utilities such as electricity and water during peak hours. If you’re serious about saving money, water the lawn and start your laundry early in the morning. It may not seem like much it definitely adds up at the end of the season!
Conquer Your AC Addiction
Many homeowners and renters in Arizona dread the summer due to those gaudy energy bills – the AC is generally working overtime. Research shows that every degree you reduce your thermostat can save 3% on average.
While shutting off your AC entirely can be dangerous – especially if you have young children and pets – don’t shy away from a little discomfort if you’re serious about saving. Ceiling fans and even cool beverages can substitute for a couple of degrees on the thermostat.