Every fall, ASU hosts a free Earth and Space Exploration day, which is packed with educational activities that are a blast for everyone involved. This year, the event will be on November 7th from 9am til 3pm.
This event is put on by the School of Earth and Space Exploration, which has participated in many impressive projects over the years. They’ve completed projects on all of the continents on Earth, as well as the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and more! Currently, they are working on sampling Mars with robotic rovers, taking photos of the Moon’s surface, and exploring things like volcanoes and earthquakes on Earth.
At the Earth and Space Exploration event, there will be a variety of events including 3D astronomy shows, interactive displays, and attend talks about space and Earth. There’ll also be an opportunity to explore rockets and robots. ASU will have more events based around geology where attendants will be able to get rock samples identified, take a field trip to Tempe Butte, and explore minerals and fossils for sale. They also have a replica of Mars Curiosity Rover! While fueling minds with these special events, SESE will also fuel bodies with three gourmet food trucks and coffee carts just outside the building.
ASU asks you pre-register on SESE’s website to help them prepare for the amount of people, however it is not required.