Your AZ family dentist is one of the most unsung heroes when it comes to maintaining our overall health. Did you know that even routine dental cleanings can save your life? You’ll never look at visiting the dentist the same way again!
Your dentist is a vastly underrated medical practitioner, responsible for safeguarding a major aspect of your health. Although the tools they use to maintain your smile are small, the effect they have on your overall well-being is simply monumental!
Current research shows that oral infections like periodontal disease (gum disease, commonly caused by brushing and flossing negligence, have a strong link to heart health. It requires the expertise of a skilled dentist to address these risks.
Routine dental cleanings are regular checkups are your best line of defense against these health complications. Your dentist leads the charge against oral decay, making them a strong ally to have in your corner when it comes to disease prevention.
Believe it or not, perhaps the best weapon we have against serious health problems like heart attacks, strokes and related conditions is the common toothbrush. Your dentist might sound like a broken record by constantly reminding you to brush and floss regularly, but they could actually be helping you add years to your life!
Don’t underestimate the healing powers of your dentist! If it’s time for you to get your oral health back on track, call and schedule an appointment with us today.