If you have been paying close attention to pop culture the past couple of years you’ve probably seen metal, gold and silver dentures donned by the biggest celebrities. Everyone from Katy Perry to Miley Cyrus has displayed the new fashion trend; grills.
“Grillz” are decorative covers adorned with crystals that snap over one or more teeth. While there have been no long-term studies on the use of grillz, we do know a few facts about the strange trend in hip-hop and pop culture.

A pacifier grill makes a great gag gift! — from Amazon
Inexpensive grills are often made from base metals, such as aluminum and iron, which can cause irritation or an allergic reaction in certain individuals. Additionally, long term use of grills can promote plaque buildup and tooth decay because food particles and bacteria can build up between the teeth and the grill.
Grills may also cause abrasions to the teeth that border the grill. Excessive wearing of grills may also cause discoloration, so grill aficionados may need to invest in teeth whitening measures to combat these effects.
If you do choose to wear grills, you must be extra diligent when it comes to your home care. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and always remember to floss. Finally, always be sure to remove the grill before eating and clean your grill often to remove bacteria and food particles. Avoid using jewelry cleaners or any product that is dangerous to ingest, water and mouth wash should be fine.
To prevent long term effects limit the amount of time you wear removable grills. Dentists advise against all types of permanent grills because they can produce acids which may lead to infection.
Consult your dentist before purchasing grills to fully understand the risks involved. Grills may be the “flavor of the week” but your beautiful white teeth will never go out of style.