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Advancements in Laser Dentistry Technologies

Many people feel apprehensive when the time comes to make a routine visit to their dentist. There is perhaps no greater contributing factor to such negative feelings than the physical discomfort commonly associated with dental work.

Dental technologies have advanced a long way, sparing patients a great deal of apprehension along the way. The latest advancements in dental technologies include laser dentistry – a developing technique designed to further minimize the physical discomfort that goes into common dental procedures.

Laser dentistry is best described as an exact and efficient method of performing dental procedures. The effectiveness of laser dentistry solely rests with an experienced doctor, controlling the balance between power output and the duration of exposure to tissue. When properly administered, laser dentistry allows for treatment of specific areas without damage to surrounding areas of the mouth.

It is estimated only 6% of dentists have incorporated laser dentistry in their practice, but the number is expected to rise as even more traditional doctors begin to see the many advantages. Some of the benefits with laser dentistry include procedures that may not require stitches or the use of anesthesia. The technology can also minimize bleeding in the mouth as the laser can essentially aid in clotting exposed blood vessels.

Perhaps the greatest benefit to laser dentistry is its ability to minimize bacterial infections. Laser treatment can essentially forego developing potentially serious infections by treating these ‘at risk’ areas, little to no damage occurring to surrounding areas. Oral wounds will heal rapidly and damaged tissues quickly regenerate following laser dentistry procedures.

Some common laser dentistry procedures include cavity detection, dental fillings, and crown lengthening. As the industry expands, the development and application of other common dental procedures will undoubtedly receive focus from the laser dentistry

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